The decline in the fuel reserves, population growth and high living standards of the urban class have led to an energy crisis and an enormous increase in the demand and cost of the fossil fuels. The dependency of world energy on conventional fuels such as petroleum-based products, coal, and natural gas has elevated to two-thirds of the global energy demand. The diesel engines are widely used to power vehicles, trains, ships, airplanes, irrigation pumps and also extended to produce electric power. Among the recent additives used in diesel and biodiesel fuels, the nanoparticles have emerged as a novel and promising additive which results in the reduction of exhaust emissions and enhancement in engine performance.
Apart from the economic matters, the widespread use of fossil fuels is responsible for a long-term environmental problem in the form of climate changes and the global warming. The diesel fuel mainly contains aliphatic hydrocarbons of C8–28 with boiling temperatures varying from 130 to 370 °C. The exhaust emissions from the diesel engines contain various types of air pollutants such as total hydrocarbon content (THC), oxides of nitrogen (NOx), particulate matter (PM), carbon monoxide (CO). Nano fluid increases better combustion due micro explosion phenomenon.
- Introduction to fuel nano-additives
- Introduction
- Fuel nano-additives technology
- Fuel nano-additives types
- Competitors & comparison
- International project about
- Country policy about
- Market
- Introduction to technology analysis
2-1. Patent & articles documents properties
2-2. Importance of documents information analysis
2-3. Search tool (patent & article search database)
2-4. Determining specialized and comprehensive keywords
2-5. Extraction of standard patent classification codes
2-6. International Patent Classification
2-7. Main stages of technology analysis process
- Technology analysis
3-1- Introduction
3-2- Analysis of patent publication trend
3-3- Geographical analysis of patent
3-4- Analysis of of active players
3-5- key players by time
3-6- Cooperation of players
3-7- Top researchers
3-8- Top key concepts
3-9- Top CPC codes in technology
3-10-Technology related fields
3-11-Technology life cycle
3-12. Review of technology research status in technology
3-14. Timing of document publish
3-15.Top researchers
3-16.Top countries in research
3-17.Top countries research trend
3-18.Top research centers in the technology
3-19.Top research centers trend
3-20.Top academic research teams & their scope
- Text mining for the documents
4-1. The key concepts
4-3. Top technical patents
4-3. Top patents technical analysis
4-4. Text mining of patents for technical purpose (Customised)
4-5. Text mining of articles for technical purpose (Customised)
4-6.Top commercial patents for selected domains or subsectors
- Commercial status of technology
5-1. Identify companies with a product / technology
5-2. Technical information of commercialized products
5-3. Identify supported research projects and case studies
5-4. Review the necessary rules, standards and licenses for a products (Customized)
5-5. Preparation of a product technical identification (Customized)
5-6. Product History (Customized)
5-7. Different product / technology applications (Customized)
5-8. Conventional and modern methods of product / technology production (Customized)
5-9. Challenges and prospects of technology commercialization
- Drawing technology tree
6-1. Review articles
6-2. Review patents
6-3. Drawing a technology tree according to the documents information
- Results, Challenges and Suggestions
7-1. Results
7-2.Challenges and suggestions